Thema der Veranstaltung:
Post-Merger Management
- Results of Merger Outcomes Analysis in the Consulting Literature
- What Makes Some Mergers Work Well?
- The Right Strategic Focus
- Appropriate Planning and Implementation
- Is the Business Consulting Literature Consistent with Academic Results?
Vortrag von Klaus Peters:
Cost Management in Critical Times
- Need to Get Radical on Cutting Costs
- Learn about the CCRO (Chief Cost Reduction Officer)
- Expertise and Authority
- There's Always More that Can Be Done
My attendance at the event was mainly due to the Merger Management, but Mr Peters' presentation about Cost Management revealed interesting strategies and solutions that will be considered in our company. Best regards, S. McDonahugh.
One of the event's highlights was the lecture given by Klaus Peters from Germany. He informed in professional and detailed way about Cost Management in critical Times. Easy to understand, enjoyable and forward-looking – it was an amazing presentation! P. Heijmanns, HNV.